Simon' Notion-powered blog

So this is my blog, powered by Notion and Next.js. Pretty neat, huh?

How it works

This is a statically generated Next.js site that uses the Notion API to retrieve blog posts from a Notion database. The whole project is open source and hosted on Vercel.

The backend is heavily inspired by Samuel Kraft's Notion blog project. And for the frontend, I used almost the same design as ijjk's repo. I wanted to create my own blog and I thought theses two projects were a great starting point !

If you want to create your own Notion blog, you can just fork the repository and follow the instructions in the readme. It's pretty easy to get started! Once you have your own blog, you can write blog posts in Notion and they will automatically be published on your site. Most of Notion's features are supported, including images, math equations with KaTeX, code blocks with syntax highlighting, tables, columns, emojis, and more!

Pros and cons


  • Notion features: Most of Notion's features are supported, including images, math equations, code blocks, tables, columns, emojis, and more.
  • Instantaneous updates: Compose blog posts effortlessly within Notion, with changes instantly reflected on your website upon publication.
  • Customizable: You can customize the design of your blog by editing the Next.js components.


  • Performance limitations: Heavy reliance on the Notion API for content retrieval may lead to performance issues, especially during high traffic periods, potentially exceeding rate limits and causing slower load times.
  • Dependency risks: Relying on third-party services like Notion for core functionality introduces the risk of disruptions due to downtime or changes in API compatibility, necessitating quick adjustments or migrations.

Questions or feedback?

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to send me an email or open an issue on GitHub.